Role and Responsibilities handled by various departments (Planning, Billing, Procurement, Quality, Execution & Safety) in an infrastructure project.
Sharing experiences on interpersonal skills required for a civil engineer to handle various stakeholders viz.. client, consultant, contractor, company & labor.
Er. Saravanan Raghavan
Er. Dinesh Babu
CE 3: Mar-22
Journey of a civil engineer from employee to entrepreneur ..!
Er. Madura Muthu, MA Construction, Villupuram.
CE 4: Mar-22
A brief intro on Non Destructive Testing .
Er. S. Ramu, Managing Director, ASR Construction, Gudiyatham.
CE 5: Apr-22
Interlocking brick construction – Chances & challenges
Er. Arun singh, VAB Construction, Tuticorin.
CE 6: Apr-22
Terrace waterproofing and repair (Basics)..! Part -1